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In his second game as kicker for the UFL’s San Antonio Brahmas, Destroying unfortunately fractured his neck—an injury that appears to close the door on his pro football dreams (for now). Dee appeared in high spirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.

Exploring Monterey

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story. The Hollywood

Exploring Monterey

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story. The Hollywood

Exploring Monterey

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.

cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story.cirits though, saying he’s going to “sit my a** down now and focus on healing up” in an IG story. he Hollywood

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